Here are seven ways you can stop avoid being caught in meaningless busyness:

1. Emphasize what is important now

Most times we consume ourselves with things that are important but are not urgent, and sometimes we go for what is urgent and that is not important. Finding the right balance between the two pegs you picking what is important now and leaving the rest for later.

2. Have a schedule

Many people jump into activities like a bull chasing a prey. At the end, putting ourselves in so many activities could make us victims for the slaughter. The best way is to understand that there should be a routine or a schedule to organize your activities and make you prioritize. A schedule is a road map to make you function at your best or at your prime. For example, if you are spending seven hours to sleep at night, stick to that schedule. Once you start sticking to schedules and doing what you should do at the time you are meant to do it, you will start freeing up time and become more productive.

3. Learn to say no

No matter how much you want to get yourself involved engaged into something it may not be worth your time and energy. A lot of things are not worth your attention. Learn to screen what you need to get involved in and those things you really need to ignore. Learn to say no. Spending your time and energy on tasks you actually care about makes your life much more fruitful than when you spread yourself too thin.

4. Do not multitask

It is easy to feel that you can get so much done by multitasking. But this could be a delusion. Our brain is wired not to focus on more than one thing at a time. You are only getting yourself unnecessarily busy and losing focus when you try to get so much done all at once.

5. Focus on strategy rather than on expending energy

It is easy to get so bugged down that you run from task-to-task without setting aside time for thinking. Thinking and spending time with yourself affords you the opportunity to tap into your inner-self and develop strategy or processes that will make your job lighter.

6. Learn to delegate

It is so tempting to want to be involved in everything that comes our way. We cannot be a master of all. There is no harm in finding someone who can translate your intentions into actions. Delegate as much as possible so that you can free up space to do what will realize more goals.

7. Know yourself and what works for you

Truthfully, we are all not the same. Some people can function at higher capacity and others may not. It is easy to cook up several guidelines and hope we all put it to heart so as to function better and be more productive. But it doesn’t always work this way. Rather than engage yourself all the time, know what works for you and tap into it. Do you function and work better at night or during the wee hours of the day? Learn to identify what works for you that will make you optimize your performance better rather than being caught in busyness. At the end of the day, the benefit of maintaining your health should be enough reason to follow the reasons put before you from the above points. Look inwards and find a balance to expending energy and gaining more results for your work. Featured photo credit: via