The debate has raged for years as to whether or not tofu is actually nutritional. Can it replace meat? Does it have adverse side effects? We’ll answer all those questions and more, below, by explaining the benefits of tofu.

The benefits of tofu

All things in moderation

Soybean products like tofu have a range of health benefits. However, like all things, you should definitely make sure to eat it in moderation! Too much tofu can overload your body with many of the nutrients it contains, which can be just has harmful as when you don’t get enough of them. So if you do decide to add tofu to your diet, make sure you keep things in perspective. Many health organizations recommend about 4 ounces of tofu per day if you plan on adding it to your diet.

Where can I find a recipe for tofu?

Good recipes for tofu are everywhere! It also helps that you can prepare tofu in so many different ways. You can slice it, crumble it, fry it, bake it, and sauté tofu. You can even do some creative recipes like blending tofu with chocolate to create a sort of chocolate mousse. There are literally thousands of recipes available that can fit anyone’s taste. The only thing left to do is find one you like and get started! Featured photo credit: via