1. They have price tags in their closet

If you have ever been in their closet (and I say in because there is no way you are not walking into it,) you have seen more price tags or size stickers than you should in someone’s house. It isn’t because they plan on returning it or that they just bought it, it is simply because it has not been used yet. Don’t try to guess how long it’s been there either… just don’t.

2. They can sort their closet by every color of the rainbow… and every color in between

As you are trying to comprehend the reasoning for buying something and not wearing it, a thought pops in your head. Why does it look like a claustrophobic rainbow stumbled into their closet and threw up everywhere? There are more colors in this room than there are paint swatches at Home Depot!

3. They buy more than they need

If you have a friend that is a shopaholic, then you understand this completely. The first warning sign should have been that they still had tags on some articles of clothing in their sacred closet. They buy more than they need. They will go down every aisle, especially on a down day, and check and see what looks cute, cool, comfy, etc. Do they need it? Yes, they need it like we all needed that Geometry class in high school.

4. They are firm believers in retail therapy

Retail therapy may be the more expensive option oppose to actual therapy. Let me show you by example the different stages of a shopoholic’s need for retail therapy. Great day? Lets grab some food or ice cream… or maybe a shirt! “Meh” day? Maybe a quick coffee with my best friend at little place in the mall will help. Let’s look around and just check it out. Crappy/Worst day ever! It’s time to change who I am so I am happier. I need to make myself better! I just got paid like last week and if that still doesn’t cover the bill, I have my credit cards!

5. They have to leave their credit cards at home to stay out of trouble

Shopaholics can get out of control sometimes. The lucky ones catch the issue early on and only spend all the money in their back account after bills are paid. Others may have a giant credit card bill that is never going to shrink down because they can’t afford or give up their sense of style.

6. They shop for more than themselves

Shopaholics don’t only shop for themselves. Usually if they purchase something for someone else, it is because they are out shopping for themselves but that doesn’t mean that they won’t buy things for their loved ones and friends if they know they will like it. Sometimes, they won’t even end up buying for themselves, the entire contents of the cart will be clothes for their significant other, their BFF, their boss or their parents. They are very thoughtful people, and often have a very big heart. Now don’t quote me on that, I don’t mean all of them. Don’t go befriending someone in high hopes they’ll start buying you Michael Kor Purses because they are your “favorite”kind of purse.

7. They think black Friday is the best day of the year

If you have a shopaholic as a friend, then you know that this a huge day for shopping and it doesn’t start at five in the morning anymore. Good thing Starbucks is open all night in order to keep everyone awake for the glorious amounts of fun you are going to be dragged into for the entire day. Bring cash that day so you can tell them no when they run out of money and ask for you to spot them.

8. They need someone to tell them to stop shopping

More often than not, shopaholics will bring a friend a long to keep them in check. To someone who loves shopping to a point that it is considered an addiction, they will swipe their card until it declines and they need someone to stop them when enough is enough. If you are that friend that they are bringing along, I am sorry. Also, take the last pointer I just gave, only bring cash!

9. They cannot turn down a good deal

Sales, Semi-Annual Sales and big summer blowouts are their kryptonite. Nothing burns a hole in their pocket faster than a 50% off sign. Beware.

10. Their closet will have a variety of styles to match who they want to be for the day

They can dress like whoever they want to be or however they feel (lazy, sporty, cute, etc.)  like because the amount of things that fill up their closet. They are more than likely to have something than not when asked if they do. Make sense? Make friends with one that is the same size as you and make sure you are really good friends.

11. They wear only about 35% of their closet but will not give the rest away

Whenever they say, “I am going to clean out my closet and get rid of the stuff that I don’t wear”, don’t believe it for a second! They will sit there in the kingdom of retail store victories and come up with dozens of scenarios of when they will need everything in their closet. Everything. It doesn’t matter how many tips they take from Pinterest, it is no match compared to, “this shirt goes great with like fifty of my things… I need to keep it just in case.”

12. Their shoe selection will put most people’s to shame

Their shoe collection could probably walk circles around your shoes and then march off to the shoe store to bring in some more shoes so they can come back and turn those circles into a Mickey Mouse design. Featured photo credit: Alexa shopping mall Berlin- Reinhard Krull via flickr.com